nba篮球比分用英语怎么说 nba比分怎么算

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How to express NBA basketball scores in English

The NBA is the highest level of professional basketball in the United States and one of the most popular sports leagues in the world. As an NBA fan or an English learner, it’s essential to know how to express NBA basketball scores in English. This article will introduce some commonly used expressions and tips to help you become more familiar with the NBA scoring system.

1. Expressing NBA scores

When expressing NBA scores, we usually say the name of the team followed by the score. For example:

  • The Lakers beat the Clippers 112-102.
  • The score was tied at 85-85 in the fourth quarter.
  • The Bulls lost to the Celtics 118-106.

Alternatively, we can use the phrases “win by” and “lose by” to describe the difference in points between the two teams. For instance:

nba篮球比分用英语怎么说 nba比分怎么算-第1张图片-皇冠信用盘出租

  • The Warriors won by ten points.
  • The Spurs lost by only three points.

2. NBA scoring system

The NBA scoring system is simple and straightforward. Each game consists of four quarters, with each quarter being 12 minutes long. The team that scores the most points by the end of the game wins. If the score is tied at the end of regulation time, the game goes into overtime, which consists of an additional five-minute period.

nba篮球比分用英语怎么说 nba比分怎么算-第2张图片-皇冠信用盘出租

3. Calculating NBA scores

If you’re new to the NBA, you may wonder how to calculate the scores during a game. A basket made within the three-point line is worth two points, while a basket made behind the three-point line is worth three points. Free throws are worth one point each. Therefore, if a team scores two baskets within the three-point line, one basket behind the three-point line, and four free throws, their total score would be 11 points (2x2+3+4x1).

In conclusion, knowing how to express NBA basketball scores in English is essential for NBA fans and English learners. By remembering these common expressions and understanding the NBA scoring system, you’ll be able to better enjoy watching and discussing basketball games with others.

标签: nba篮
